from latin nox (night) and fero (to bring/to carry). basically, a bringer/carrier of night. usually refered to vampires.
a vampire is a nosferatu.
by never_me April 30, 2005
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A person who craves and drinks the energy drink NOS like a vampire craves and drinks blood.

-Person may or may not be of Native American descent.
Knowing he was about to expire, NOSferatu pulled himself along the floor toward the cooler; for his salvation lay submerged within, chilled to perfection. It is only 7:01pm, and there is much work yet to be done...indubitably.
by RoneNeffect November 19, 2012
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It means "disease carrier." Not "Creature of the night." It is not latin, it is Slavonic.
Stooopid person: "Nosferatu" means "creature of the night"!!!! ROFLOLWTFBBQ
Smart person: No, it means "disease carrier." You are dumb.
by Not a stooopid person October 8, 2005
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Nosferatu is the level of vampiricy that allows the vampire to turn into mist, turn into bats, heal his/her wounds almost instananteously, and fight back the urge to feed.
You will never become the nosferatu unless you can heal your own wounds and fight without bullets!
by D June 7, 2004
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Means "Disease Carrier", NOT "night creature" like you retards claim!
Goth Kid: Nosferatu means creature of the night

Regular Kid: No, it's Slavonic root "Nosufur-atu" means disease carrier. Go contemplate suicide, you faggot goth.
by Genius February 11, 2005
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The name of a vampire in a very old horror movie by the same name, it is sometimes used to refer to vampires in general, when one does not wish to use the popular term "vampire"
Jake is always afraid to make cliched remarks, why just the other day he said to me: "I was bitten on the neck by a handsome nosferatu."
by Vamp June 11, 2003
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"disease carrier" or "plague bearer" is correct in most respects, but I believe it is more correct to think of nosferatu as "bringer of darkness".
The nosferatu has brought upon us a great sickness.
by Carventine August 10, 2006
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