some fuckin nasty shit. not a liquid but def a lil wet. narr.
by narrguy December 2, 2021
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another way of saying no or hell nah!
jamaal: yo bro cheat on your girl with this other girl i know

Anthony: bro your crazy narr!
by antman809 February 4, 2022
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"Not a Rick Roll"

Term is used to denote a video link is not a Rick Roll and is in fact, legitimate.
You see this yet? (NARR)
by egrissom December 2, 2008
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1. basically anything

2. can be used in any which way.

3. a stupid fuck.
Lauren is a narr narr.

thats narr narr.

suck my narr narr
by cutieee1234567 March 14, 2009
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The act of being stupid and than trying to play it off, but eventually someone notices.
D drops the blunt and trys to pick it up before anyone notices and everyone shouts "Narr!!!!"
by Don Antwon_shareefa October 15, 2007
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An exclamation of frustration or great physical exertion.
"NARR!!" - (Thomas Paine, 1791) Exclaimed while Paine lifted a batch of personal copies sent from the publisher of the "Rights of Man" from the floor on to his drafting table.
by malcolm816 December 11, 2008
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