NAB$ has the purest heart. If you find a NAB$, never let him go. He is extremely cute, caring, and will make you the happiest girl in the world. If you fall in luv with him you'll never be able to get over him. He doesn't smile much cuz he's usually not happy. He only finds happiness in spirituality, his family, n the luv of his life.

NAB$ rarely opens up to anyone but thinks a lot on his own. If he opens up to you chances are he's falling in luv with you. He can be needy and seeks someone who can comfort him n take care of him. He falls in luv w a girl who will change his life forever. consider yourself the luckiest girl ever if he falls in luv with you. Don't take his luv for granted. He's sensitive n gets hurt easily. He had a tougher childhood than most rich brown guys lol. He fights other kids to prove to himself that he's worth something. He doesn't know what he's worth, n only a girl who truly luvs him can show him his self-worth.

NAB$ is romantic n can be hella freaky. He doesn't show his freaky side to most girls cuz he saves it for the girl he luvs. He is dominant n will push you up against the wall n wrap your legs around him. He'll hold you close to him and bite your neck. Some ppl think he's gay cuz he refuses to kiss girls but he's actually just a boy who's very much in luv.

Be good to NAB$ n make him happy. He can get pissed off n end up doing shit he regrets. If you have NAB$, never lose him. His heart is his biggest weakness. remember that.
Grace: OMG I can't believe NAB$ left. Everything will be so different.
Emma: I heard he left because he fell in love with some girl
Grace: damn I wish he fell in love with me rip
by classof2022_ September 2, 2019
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1) To steal

2) To arrest
Luke's been nabbed with his hand in the till again.
by Daisy May 12, 2005
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To take an object that you are mostly sure is no one's property.

Not quite stealing but pretty close.
We nabbed that lumber from the abandoned lot.

Yo dude that's so phat that you guys nabbed those panes of glass
by forteen32 April 12, 2009
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An alternate way of saying nub or N00b.
L33t player: Ha I pwned your little ass you nab!
Nab: What you say?
L33t: Haha Nab!
by {_D4wG August 11, 2006
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to steal somethning
hey, fucker, nab me one of those shirts.
by jay July 10, 2003
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Abbreviation for "New Africa Bammer". Mid-grade marijuana.
Me: Hey man you got an 1/8 of chronic?
Natg representative: Ya man I gots da dank shit.
Me: Wtf man.. This is the nabs.. Don't put this shwag in my face again or I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.

by d13g0 September 19, 2006
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