The woman who you love to death one minute the next you want to rip her to tiny pieces. She magically makes every cut, scrape and scratch feel better, and gets all your crazy laundry done in 1 day. You come home and the house is completely clean and at night dinner is on the table. She helps you with your homework and helps get you through your toughest problems. Your mom loves you very much and will do anything for you even if she doesn't tell you straight to your face. You are very lucky if you have a mom and must charish the moments you have together.
Friend: Bro, WHAT are you wearing.
Me: My mom made me.
Me: I know she's the best!
by thatsrealOMG April 6, 2018
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You shot out of her vagina.
Mom: "Y/A!"
You: "what?"
*complete silence until you get up and go to her.*
by YoMomsSugaMomma July 12, 2017
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Moms are amazing. They look after you and are always there for you no matter what. If your mum tells you off, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you.
by Somerandomguy October 26, 2018
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Your mom has to work for that money
by Wolfie_Gamer_12 November 28, 2019
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1. The person who gave birth to you.

2. A nickname for Roger H.
"You make a mean Mac n' Cheese Mom."

"Nice tackle out there Mom; you're a freaking beast today!"
by Rogizzle April 7, 2005
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A woman who puts everyone and everything else first, to the point that she loses herself along the way. She thinks of everyone else first, but is usually the last to be thought of. She sacrifices selflessly sun up to sun down. She pushes on tirelessly, though others (mostly Dads) don't notice her efforts. She receives no pay, but when she finally gets a moment of recognition it's the best reward in the world to her.
Why are you so tired Mom?
by SupaDupaMe December 24, 2015
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