The second most powerful person on earth right after Pablo Sanchez.
“It’s Pablo Sanchez here to save the day

“ oh wait no it’s just Ming Ling
“Oh it’s MING LING!”
by King Koconino April 6, 2020
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A cute person that deserves everything.
Exm:Asian goddess,angel etc.

"Did you see that girl at the Tiest Rave?"
"yea she was such a ming ling"
by Kyo~ August 30, 2007
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All she want to do is eat da dumpling and copy your homework
Oh my god my god, she’s such a Ming Ling!
by DaRealUhhhh December 17, 2019
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An ugly person..see minger and ming
Normally a girl, a bit of a slapper or tart
Did you see Georgie last night at the party? What a ming a ling!
by Amey June 14, 2006
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An only Asian phrase that is used when you're in the mood for some good dick.
Michael: Hey Wong!
Wong: Ching ming ling let me get that dilk!
Michael: What the fuck is wrong with you Wong?
by Blumpkid42 February 23, 2017
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Stuff unasian people say to try to act asian
Mike: Yo Jin ching ling ming
Jin: Go fuck yourself
by Altair and Ezio February 16, 2010
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X: hey bro ur mom texted you
Y: what did she say?
X: a ching chong ming pong pang ling ling
Y: yeah right, gimme that
*sees text*
Y: wtf
by Some.romaniandude July 12, 2022
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