Merrily is a word, bonifide word contained in the English language and means: happy, joyful, filled with delight and cheerfulness.

Merrily is an English adjective and is used in songs, such as Row, Row Your Boat...Merrily, Merrily life is but a dream.
The fresh pure spring water gurgled merrily over the gray river rocks sitting in mid stream.

The children played merrily in new meadow grass.

The kitchen staff merrily rolled out the display of confections.

Many women have the first name "Merrily".
by Ann McCarthy February 1, 2011
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Constrained on a long haul economy flight ,
and forced to endure a non-descript table
tennis match , or some other equally dire
tripe , on the plane,s,overhead DVD screens , as a form of so called
" entertainment "
Whats this fucking crap their showing now !

- ping pong merrily on high ??? .
by E - FUMBLER January 9, 2009
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Comotose trance like state, induced by involuntarily watching a non-descript unidentifiable table tennis match or similar dire trash , on a long haul economy flight overhead DVD system, prior to falling into the blessed relief of an irreverent coma ; from ,no doubt, over exertion of the brain .....???
Whats this fucking crap their showing now !

- " ping pong merrily on high . "
by E - FUMBLER October 25, 2008
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The sweetest person in the world, it's a shame you're not their friend. Adorable and UwU, has an oversized cock
Merrilie was playing with their cock gently and tenderly
by Cosmo32 November 8, 2022
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