To be 'melancholy' is a brand of sadness that is over thought, prolonged and can be caused by any reason regardless of its the magnitude. It's a very personal, heavy weighing sadness. It has similar characteristics with depression however, melancholy is an insidious sadness. It's more than simple desolation or dejection, melancholy feeds on pensive self reflection in such a low state, reflecting lower and lower on itself until you can't see anything other than sadness.
Example 1)
Person 1: I just went for a 5 hour walk, didn't bring any food or water and just listened to music.
Person 1: It's 3 AM... maybe I'll just eat tomorrow.
Person 1: ... fuck I need to stop thinking about this so much, it's making me Melancholy.
by Slerbo October 20, 2013
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Melancholy is a feeling of bitter sadness. It’s usually seen as a more in-depth emotion, with strings attached. People who suffer from depression may feel melancholy often. It can be used as an adjective as well.
Adjective: Her melancholy smile seemed to hold more than just resentment.

Noun: A feeling of melancholy bathed the island in its gloom.
by typicalcabbage_ June 15, 2020
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When I go to the bar alone which me and my old friend used to go to together, these bitter sweet memories are making me feel melancholy.
by Blackout Phaxx May 14, 2016
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Not a synonym for the word "Macabre"! They're vaguely synonymous! VAGUELY SYNONYMOUS!!!
Hym "Ok. Listen here you little shits. 'melancholy' relates to 'gloom' and 'despair'. 'macabre' relates to 'death' and/or 'illness'. So a crying maiden in a field of flowers on a brightly lit day would be 'melancholy' but it would not be 'macabre'. A happy skeleton holding some maracas (on the other hand) would not be 'melancholy' and it would be 'macabre'. Get it? NOT THE SAME!"

Iam "Calm down a little bit, would you?"

by Hym Iam May 9, 2022
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A feeling or sense that something much better is possible, plausible, and definitely happening to most other people at that very moment.
With great melancholy, i realised the olsen twins would never return my calls, much less engage in the tag team naugahyde pleasure ride i was so eloquently and persistently offering in my messages.
by EffenH January 22, 2004
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Sadly thoughtfull, glum
He felt melancholy as he gazed into the rain
by Blue Ruse August 8, 2006
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The sense of unwanting and disbelief, with the ability to drag you further into its depths of irretrievable hell... it even has the ability to kill people, works well in poetry i find, if you are going to travel on this path, make sure you leave a realy long rope behind you...
Like a mound of dirt that i just can't seem to climb up, every time i move i slip further down, to the depths of where i don't want to be, someone, please someone save me... i don't want this to happen
by J April 1, 2005
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