Having a grainy texture.
This watermelon is mealy,and less enjoyable because of it.
by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005
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dirty, grimy, sloppy, trashy or or inferior in some way. Sub- par.
That guy thinks he's the shit, but look how mealy his shoes are!

The humidity has made this into a mealy day.
by Tamela T. July 16, 2010
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A photograph one has taken of a meal and shared through social media.
When Jamie went to the new Mexican restaurant he sent a mealie of his burrito to his friends touting it's authenticity.
by Johnny Donut August 29, 2017
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1. one who is more witty than her younger sister

2. one who loves bunnies
by : ) April 23, 2005
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Timid and frail of action to the point of being highly irritating. Lacking in action. No back-bone. Passive. Submissive. Perceived as a "sweet" person. A term mostly applied to women (by other women) who will neither engage in straight conversation nor take action.
The character of Melanie (Hamilton) Wilkes in the old movie Gone With The Wind. As Scarlett would say, "That mealy mouth Melanie...."
by BBS June 29, 2006
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Someone who speaks indirectly and bowdlerizes. One who beats around the bush.
The opposite of a "mealy mouth" is a "smash mouth", someone who "tells it like it is".
by LudwigVan February 1, 2005
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a person of romantic interest with a pleasant outward appearance yet inwardly someone you can't move away from fast enough
Last night I went out with that hot guy from Nordstrom and was he a mealy apple.
by josie voe February 8, 2008
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