A stinking cess pool of a restaraunt in which you would be hard-pressed to not find at least one of these places within a 5-mile radius in an area with at least moderate population density. Although most people who eat there admit the food is bad for you, these people have a strange sort of addiction to going there; it's effects are very similar to cigarettes. Part of what makes McDonald's so appealing is that their food is generally cheaper than it is at any restaraunt whose food wont give diarrhea with ingestion. Because of this, McDonald's has great appeal to people with low incomes. They like to single out minorities in their commercials because minorities stereotypically have low incomes. McDonald's may in fact have an evil scheme going in which they will render the poor extremely unfit, thereby making their chances of catching a big break even slimmer. It's no conincidence that both healthy and wealthy rhyme.
I paid 99 cents for a cheeseburger at McDonalds because I'm a stupid bargain hunter who doesn't understand the concept of "bang for your buck."
by Jakneute March 21, 2006
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A place where you can get money.
Hey! Lets sue McDonalds, I need money.
by Ziddy February 19, 2004
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I work at McDonalds, and all this bull shit about 'jizzing in the sandwiches' and 'mcnuggets made out of pigeons'? What the fuck?
Get a life people.
We have good food, and if you don't want to eat it, don't come :
How bout that?
I have a lot of regulars that come in, who are not over weight.
Our food might not be the healthiest, but who cares?
by McDonalds Worker. October 15, 2008
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An awesome place. You CAN eat there every now and then without getting heart disease and becoming obese. Every other definition here is ridiculous. McDonald's food is delicious; don't be a hater! I eat it sometimes and I'm thin because I eat good most of the time and I exercise. Anyone who hates Mickey D's is just spiteful because they are fat.
Hater: Oh geez McDonalds is gross food and they're like a disease spreading all over the world. Their food kills people!!!!!!

Supporter: Big deal, if you hate it, then don't eat it!
by Ice fox August 5, 2009
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A restaurant with good tasting food, but unfortunatly prepeared by underpaid teenagers, or adult losers who don't care about anything so that they might add special McBodily fluid, or McGerm additions to your food.
Boy this Mcdonalds cheeseburger is good tasting, but I can't help but think I shouldn't be eating this since a greasy pimple faced kid made this. If only they would use McRobots instead.
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The greatest food in the world. Its fast, hot, and DELICIOUS. It's your fuckin problem if you get fat from it. Its called 'deal with it.'
by ladylang July 16, 2003
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Boy1:Want some McDonalds

Boy2:Sorry I don't eat shit
by N-BomB011 July 15, 2015
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