Wearing a mask while completely alone
Before I even realized it, I was maskerbating in my car yesterday!
by Photoist July 28, 2020
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Debating about masks. The foolish act of wasting one’s time and energy debating evidence and “reasons” for and against the wearing of a mask. Please feel free to be creative and use the word in a sentence.
Stop maskerbating with the store owner. Put one on or get the f*** out of Dodge.
by PTDrooster May 24, 2020
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An individual devoid of reason and logic that tries to shame rational people into wearing a useless paper mask,especially in outdoor environments.
“Hey,let’s go give that jogger a hard time because he’s not wearing a mask outside”
Go to Hell Karen....you’ve become nothing but a useless Maskerbator“.
by Skydash February 8, 2021
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maskerbating - Wearing a COVID-19 mask while driving in your car alone or walking outside alone. Go do it into the privacy of your home.
I saw somebody maskerbating in their car with the windows up, and a COVID-19 mask strapped tightly onto their face.
by Crackerguy June 10, 2020
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One who wears a surgical mask to protect oneself or others from the coronavirus in a situation where it is essentially impossible to spread or contract the disease.
“ I was driving Down the highway the other day and I saw a maskerbator out for a walk.”
by Don Labios April 8, 2020
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A person who wears a mask in an unnecessary setting. Such as alone in a car, walking outside alone,etc
Did you know John is a Maskerbator? SE him in his car maskerbating like a total loser
by Pugilist408 November 5, 2022
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Oxygen deprivation resulting from mask wearing while masturbating.
Jim passed out while in a mad fit of maskerbation.
by Shempleton February 4, 2021
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