Quite regularly, during team meetings in front of every else, when a woman who is reporting on her own project work with which she is most experienced with and has worked in the field for over twenty years, another peer always feels the need to "complete" her sentences mid-way, talks over her, hijacks her time to shine, taking over the explanations, progress report, issue deconstruction, evaluation, or review, thinking that even though they only have one fifth of the experience, knows little to nothing of her project work in detail, they must though have the knowledge to report on the woman's work better than she can.
She (as the lead scientist): To report on my findings of the project work I have been completing for the past month,

He (as the apprentice): <interrupting> the results show... bladibla…

Her peers: rolling their eyes, internally thinking (there he goes again, mansplaining...what a narcissist!)
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A way to attack faux sexism by using actual sexism
She said an El Camino was a truck. I told her I feel like it’s more a hybrid of a car and a truck.
She shot me for mansplaining and the woke majority called her queen
by CreativeFunnyName November 8, 2020
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Explanations done (mostly by men to women) in a condescending, overconfident often inaccurate and oversimplifying manner.

In many cases done by some guy to a female expert in a field.
Female expert: Here’s an article that shows how this issue is affecting another issue
Some guy: Well, actually it’s not that simple because this issue is affecting that issue in this way as you would understand if you actually read the article and this passage:*quotes article*
Female expert: I know, I wrote the article you just quoted. Stop mansplaining my own words to me.
by Someone else from your town August 3, 2018
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When a person (usually a man) explains something that has already been stated or is clearly already known, usually in a condescending way. Usually done because a person feels they need to explain something that really doesn’t need an explanation.
Woman: Hey look there’s the hockey stadium.

Man: Yeah the hockey stadium is where the team plays hockey and you can watch hockey games.

Woman: I know what a hockey stadium is. Thanks for the mansplaining. 🙄
by educate yo self October 17, 2018
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A hate speech slur often used by a woman who is losing an argument in an attempt to invalidate a man's position by bashing his gender. The term was invented by feminists who realized they had no ability to use logic, facts, and reason, and therefore needed a buzzword to shame men into silence. The feminists claim the word means that a man is explaining something in a condescending way, but that's only a false cover. The English language already has terms for that such as "to patronize." "Mansplain" is generally used to belittle a man based on his sex when a feminist is incapable of countering his argument and her feelings are hurt.
Male pharmacist: You should never overuse acetaminophen because it could damage your liver or kidneys.

Feminist: Oh, my God, stop mansplaining to me.

Pharmacist: It's my job to make sure you understand this medication so you can use it safely.

Feminist: Stop it! You're talking down to me. I'm an expert because I watched a Youtube video on the topic.
by MoolapRoo January 18, 2021
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To mansplain is for a man to talk to a woman in a condescending tone that implies the man thinks of himself as smarter or superior in some way to the woman which he is not. Some people will use this term unnecessarily when a point they made has been proven incorrect and they have nothing else to say, but this is not, in fact, the correct use of the word. It is only correct to say a man is mansplaining if they have interrupted a woman or is explaining something to her which she did not ask him to explain or she has more experience on. An argument is often not a correct time to use the term “mansplain”
How “mansplain” should be used in a sentence:

Female Doctor: “Kyle, I have been working as a doctor for fifteen years, I didn't ask you to mansplain to me how the digestive system works.”

How “mansplain” should not be used in a sentence:

Man winning an argument: “This is how feminism becomes a thing that is mocked and ridiculed in our society. Don’t let this happen and please use words correctl-”

Woman, losing the argument: “Ugh, don’t be such a sexist. I didn’t ask you to mansplain it to me”
by spuder mun August 13, 2019
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A word that sexist women use to shame a man when they have projected their misandry against men onto him after he offers them some useful advice or information without even taking his or her gender into consideration.
Women posts on Facebook: "I'm looking for research on why there is widespread gluten intolerance in North America and not so much in Europe".
Man responds: "I've heard that it is because the bread is commonly fermented in Europe and commonly unfermented in North America. Also, I know a great bakery where you can buy fermented bread..."
Man thinks "wtf?"
by Sir Sarcasto December 11, 2018
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