2 definitions by misogynisttrenddisheartening

Quite regularly, during team meetings in front of every else, when a woman who is reporting on her own project work with which she is most experienced with and has worked in the field for over twenty years, another peer always feels the need to "complete" her sentences mid-way, talks over her, hijacks her time to shine, taking over the explanations, progress report, issue deconstruction, evaluation, or review, thinking that even though they only have one fifth of the experience, knows little to nothing of her project work in detail, they must though have the knowledge to report on the woman's work better than she can.
She (as the lead scientist): To report on my findings of the project work I have been completing for the past month,

He (as the apprentice): <interrupting> the results show... bladibla…

Her peers: rolling their eyes, internally thinking (there he goes again, mansplaining...what a narcissist!)
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Guys who still think it's cool in any way to use misogynistic language to characterize women. It's as cool as slavery, which was\is tragic.
Misogynistic men who post foul language against women: I think London Bridge is funny, snort snort.
All women: go brush your teeth or something, you sound like an urban dick. sorry you were dropped on your head as a child.
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