Maaz comes from the word "Maaza" in urdu/ hindi, meaning "enjoyment". A Maaz will give you great pleasure if you are on his good side. Say these words as often as you can to a Maaz: I love you, Maaz. Make sure you mean it when you do. A Maaz can never be lied to, nor can he be decieved.
1: I love you, Maaz.
2: Maaz, ao maaza karre...!
by You know who. February 5, 2005
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The name “maaz” is derived from the beautiful language of arabic, it means “the one who cannot be deceived”. It is not only impossible to delude or beguile a maaz, but it is also practically impossible to know him inside out. A maaz is often underestimated and misjudged and their mind boggling talents often go to waste due to the limited understanding of the world. They might seem dark but can be disarmingly charming
“Damn, i thought I could beat him, no wonder his name is Maaz”
by CriticalDefiner June 2, 2020
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A YouTuber (TheAMaazing) does animations of his life stories and publishes them on YouTube
Hey! Have you seen Maaz's new video?
by Ghostastic August 25, 2019
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a happy person who is always smiling and never runs out of energy
by machineemdu November 7, 2016
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Drop dead stunning. Breathtaking. Attention-seeker but, worth it. You need to talk to him, he's really interesting.
Get you a Maaz.
by pseudonymtis February 27, 2019
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When everything is messed up and you want to shout out of frustration
by FAARI February 4, 2023
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*UWU* senpaii daddy *UwU*
Guy 1: ugh that guy over there just UWU senpaiid me
Guy 2: wow what a Maaz
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