Abbreviation for Might Crash Anytime Soon. A faulty software system responsible for the crashing of multiple Boeing 737-MAX aircraft.
MCAS is the software that caused those 737-MAX airplanes to crash. Sucks that a computer glitch is responsible for such tragedies.
by FegelFatso April 10, 2019
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A rapper from the rap group Beastie Boys has a very deep voice and New York accent, real name is Adam Yauch, pronounced Yaw-k or Yau-k.
Look its the beastie boys, and MCA is with them because he is part of them
by finalmandalorian March 19, 2005
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a standardized test in Mass that you need to pass to graduate, may be recognized with the feeling of being so bored you want to stick your #2 pencils in your nostrils and pretend to be a walrus
B:....I have the mcas tomorrow
A: Hmmmm... i see your piont
by unknown April 6, 2005
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Stands for: Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
A standardized test that must be passed to graduate high school in Massachusetts. While the high school curriculum is tailored to the material on the exam, most questions can be answered with a basic understanding of the English language and a minimal amount of common sense. Many people (parents) protest its existence because they think their kid won't pass, but all students know that it's a great waste of a week of school. While you do get almost four hours to do it in, most people finish in the first twenty and spend the remaining time reading, sleeping, or drawing dirty pictures on their desk with a whole box of #2 pencils.
The MCAS weeds out people that aren't fit to be a part of society.
by apqoeur January 19, 2008
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A standardized test imposed by Massachusetts.
Or as referred to by most K-12 students;
The MCAS tested my intelligence with questions like "What is the next number in the sequence; 1;2;3;4;?"
by Andrew August 15, 2003
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3rd member of the triumvirate called the Beastie Boys
He's got the deep Brooklyn accent

see also Adam Yauch
MCA, where have you been?
by Alomar January 26, 2005
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