Something that is beautiful, gracefully, and all-around magical!

The term was also used in the movie Hunt for the Wilder People, directed by Taika Waititi
That zebra's pretty majestical, aye?
by RickyBaker November 18, 2017
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Like humongous it is two words together majestic + mythical = majestical
Majestical can pretty much only be used when talking about unicorns
by Yupyupyuuup August 5, 2018
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Majestical- Something majestical is something extremely Majestic and beautiful to you. (it doesn't have to beautiful to anyone else.)

Majestical can only be used in an opinion statement, not in a factual statement THAT IS KEY!!! Majestical Is a word that well came out wrong. One day I was trying to say majestic, but i stuttered instead saying majestical. Ever since then I have used majestical instead of majestic. (YOU SHOULD TOO)
EX: Narwhals are the most majestical animals on Earth.
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Used to describe how majestic something is when the speaker's goal is to sound high class.
The majesticity of the mountains was to much for the hiker to handle.
by PrimetimeCJR August 31, 2013
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