A dance/emote created by the YouTube streamer Ludwig Ahgren. Originally created by him and some school friends when he was young.
Ben really hit the Luddy after getting a dub in Valorant
by SlimeIsBald+Ratio October 27, 2022
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The Luddy is a dance made by a streamer/youtuber named Ludwig. The dance was highly popularized by twitch streamer Kai Cenat. The dance was first seen on a twitch streamers instagram story - Yourragegaming
Joe: Lets play a song
Bob: What song?
Joe: I Just Wanna Rock by Lil Uzi Vert
Bob: Sure
Both of them start doing the Luddy
by Sceleten November 7, 2022
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A purple skinned, block head, that's obsessed with kissing cheerleaders. Usually skis in high end places and chugs down things that kill you.
I hate Luddy!
by Mr. Gade February 9, 2017
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A large uncoordinated individual, generally with a distinct lacking of motor skills. These individuals are also noted to wear cheap replica jerseys more often than would be considered healthy, with a distinct fear of driving cars to unknown places
"**large crash** damnit Luddy!! did you just trip on that same cord again ?!!?"
by DR April 20, 2005
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An abbreviation of the term 'Luddite,' applied as an insult to someone technologically inept or who is suspicious of or frightened by new technologies of any sort.
X: Did you see Michael freaking out over GMOs in science class?

Y: Yup, he's such a luddy sometimes.
by Jadedimage April 20, 2021
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A horrible romance between Lucas Douglas and Lisa Cuddy from the TV show House. This relationship has been the cause of many Huddy shippers distress. This romance has been a horrible twist to the show and has caused ratings to drop and has broken the hearts of many Huddy fans. This awful plot has been created by David Shore, whom is absolutely oblivious to the fact the House and Cuddy are soul mates and should have extremely hot, REAL sex. This ship has caused House MD to loose many fans and has cause many to verbally abuse the actor Michael Weston who plays Lucas. Huddy shippers are desperate for the Luddy ship to sail away.
Luddy sex only lasted 2 minutes; Huddy sex would go on for days.

I can't believe David Shore brought stupid Luddy to the show
by pat-k March 18, 2010
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Originates from "The Luddy" Ludwig's Dance and people doing it terrible. When you go to do a sexual position...but suck at it!
Sarah was trying to do froggy position but messed it up and her bf said stop being a Duddy Luddy!
by Thespectatorxx November 8, 2022
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