"These cakes aren't filled with 'lmao', these are lolcakes!"
by lolcakes August 23, 2006
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A particularily scathing conversational tactic used to confuse an opponent who is, for want of a better word, a douchebag.
Bob "I just pwned you LOL"
Darren "Put your lolcakes in the rofloven and make them lmaolicious Bob"
Bob "?"
by genderusbenderus00 June 11, 2007
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It means, "laugh out loud cakes." Now, some people like to say "lolpie," but that is incorrect. Lolcakes is more grammatically correct, and is used in everyday language more often.
Jeff: Why did the chick cross the road?
Don: I don't know, why?
Don: ohhh lolcakes!
by littleBIGman093634 August 13, 2006
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a form of lol made of cake
if you bake a cake... spell out lol..
but it has to be more than one!
thus, lolcakes
'i want a lolcake.. actually i want 2 lolcakes'
by mojo jojokes January 24, 2009
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A version of the widely accepted LOL.

First originating in Australian slang.
corey; says: haha funnies

corey; says: lolcakes at katie

jesss- says: hahahahaha at lolcakes

MISS KATIE says: hahahahah

MISS KATIE says: lolcakes is so cute
by missy--anne December 7, 2008
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Combine Elite: oh lolcakes i love you sooooooooooo much! <3!!!!!!!!!!

lolcakes: YOU love me, I love me, EVERYBODY LOVES ME!!!!
by the real lolcakes October 19, 2011
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someone who exceeds the boundaries of a normal "lol," a descriptive word used to express a certain person or creature which is deemed worthy of ridicule, especially for being a noob.
"lol, Emogurl666 is such a lolcake."
by unablequeso September 28, 2009
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