Lesbian son is when your a mom and you have a son who's lesbian

what is a lesbian son?

A lesbian son is a male who is obsessed with women
To all of the boyfriends out there, watch out or my lesbian son will steal your girl
by kidsaretasty September 10, 2020
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an expression used to describe something very wet, of course referring to how two lesbians in a broom closet would probably do such acts as pegging, scissoring, etc.
"Wow. The hurricane sure hit you guys hard. It looks Wetter Than Two Lesbians In A Broom Closet in here."
by JackMasterBater November 9, 2023
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The action in which a man realizes, or is told, a women he is attracted to is a lesbian.
(I'm a lesbian don't attack me)
Guy 1: "She's so hot"
Guy 2: "You mean Lillian? You know she's a lesbian, right?"
Guy 1: "huh? No I didn't."
Guy 3: "Man talk about Lesbian Letdown amiright?"
by Defnotdrista June 5, 2022
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When you’re arguing with your partner and can’t come up with a better insult.
by Thatbitchfromtheblock August 12, 2024
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When you’re arguing with your partner and can’t come up with a better insult.
by Thatbitchfromtheblock August 12, 2024
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Isaac might seem like a guy but is really a full blown lesbian. He is not even good looking.
Girl: did you here Isaac is a lesbian.
Girl 2: would not ever look in his direction now i definitely wont
Boy: yeah he's to gay to even hang with the other gays
Isaac: your a faggot
Boy 2: oh there he go's again trying to shift the blame
by ultrathiccestgirl March 7, 2019
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A lesbian from Massachusetts who dates another woman who has a son that wears cardigan and flip-flops to the club.
by Doinggodsworkkkk September 16, 2022
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