Lakshita is someone who catches your eye as soon as you see her, her beauty is not only stunning but so different and unique that it's almost unreal. As you get to know her, she turns out to be smart, funny, loyal, talented and extremely kind. She's everything that's worthy of distinction and respect.
Person 1: Hey, I saw the most beautiful girl today, what's her name?

Person 2: ooh that's Lakshita, try meeting her she's nicer than an angel.
by BeAlittleFunnHonesto August 7, 2019
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A literal goddess for sure. She's cute, sexy, beautiful, gorgeous and everything a man would dream of. 😍 Damn, The one I met was multi talented, not just stunning, but smart, funny and really kind. A truly wholesome gal, has the most beautiful and sensual voice. A born dancer, moves perfectly. She can drive anyone crazy, has that star quality too.
A: man, holy fuck, she doesn't even seem real. I'm such a fan of Lakshita.
B: God, man. She is perfection. I saw her a few days ago and when she looked at me with those goddamn big and beautiful eyes. It's was like my heart stopped.
by BeAlittleFunnHonesto December 18, 2019
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A winner, A distinguished person; An awesome gal that everyone likes. She is usually a person filled with humor, and makes people laugh easily. She's usually a very intelligent gal.
Person 1: Hey whos that hot chick?

Person 2: Thats the new gal Lakshita!
by DizzyLizzie January 28, 2013
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I met a Lakshita once, she was different and down to earth. Had no idea that she was absolutely charming and the prettiest girl I had ever seen. Hope she is doing well now, she was super talented, witty but very soft and sensitive at the same time. A true gem of a person.
Girl- " I'm so envious of Lakshita, not only is she physically perfect but so sweet, such a good dancer and painter"

Guy-"oh wow, ur talking about that new girl right, she's extremely hot"
by BeAlittleFunnHonesto August 22, 2019
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Lakshita is a beautiful , charming girl who has a aggressive nature . who speaks harsh words but has a kind heart with a big heart . she is understanding and a person where all people find their comforts .

she is a stunning beauty and their are many who likes her for her talent , way of speaking and also her good and cute looks .

she is a lively person and wants to cheer up all around her.
girl: do u know lakshita ?

: yeah , she is a stunning beauty with a cute face and she is aggressive but have a kind heart .
by cutebtsgirl November 24, 2021
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A popular rich kid who claims that she is a loner and is poor. she is short and flat and smart but pretends to be dumb. she is a nice person but acts cool. she is loved my most but not by ketchup
by smartypantsfromcs April 4, 2019
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