a person whose entire bodily movement and personlity is similar to a snail, hella awkward
jeff: yo cuz, lets hit up angelina's party

frank: no, i want to watch shrek

jeff: homey, u r LETHARG
by shashikant ramachndran November 13, 2005
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a stagnant non-moving entity with the perosnality of a carboard box
yo, cuz, quit being so letharg
by Mister Russel November 10, 2005
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A term used to describe the religion that many college students follow on a daily morning basis. Lethargism stems from the word lethargic, or drowsy. The willingness to stay in bed and sleep overpowers logical reasoning such as; coming to class on time, finishing a paper, or study for a test. Similar to the illogical behavior of certain religious activists whose points have been dis-proven through the use of science. Lethargism is exercised by a vast majority of people unbeknownst to them.
Dan: Yo man wake up you gotta finish that essay.

Eugeen: Cant man I'm compelled to sleep.

Dan: Bro, lethargism is gonna ruin your life

Eugeen: Naw man it makes me do funny things in my head instead of facing reality.
by your mattress December 8, 2010
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To be lazy or sluggish. To act tired or drowsy.
Man this ganja is lethargic, Im not even going to roll another blunt now.
by James Ganja May 3, 2007
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To be lazy, sluggish. Often spending one's life in bed, sleeping one's life away.

What fun!
Je suis léthargique. J'aime le sommeil.
by Lorelili March 30, 2005
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