A unique name shared by not many. He's very tall, funny, and athletic. He enjoys listening to music and playing basketball. And he's a very good friend unless you piss him off.
" Kemo is very funny ".
by Kemo_24 October 2, 2016
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A kiwi emo, or a nickname for a person from new zealand who is emo.
Person 1: I love you Kemo.
Person 2: Thanks, I love you too.
By stander: Why did you call him Kemo?
Person 1: Because he is a kiwi emo!
by ashloveskemo August 26, 2009
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an instructor at id tech who is bad at volleyball and hides his real name at all costs. He thinks he's cool getting a nickname to protect himself but he's not.
by kemosucks July 24, 2019
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Simmilar to the word "emo".
Someone who wears a lot of black but does not just listen to emo music.
And someone who is kemo is just a free spirit, and does what they feel like.
Look at him.
He's kemo.
by Devotchka June 25, 2007
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Short for kemosabe--friend, dude.
In the movie "Stand and Deliver", the students call their teacher Jaime Escalante kemo.
by tristram2 June 6, 2010
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Abbreviation of Chemotherapy, but referring to treatment of severe emo-ness. Such term is used when a person is severely and chronically emo. When someone is so emo, they need kEMO so that they can go back to a non-toxic state of sanity.

The process of kEMO might include but is not limited to a referal to Psychiatrist, Therapist, Psychologist, Counselor, and maybe even a Psychiatric ward. Might also include treatment for Anorexia, Bulimia, or Eating Disorder Non Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). kEMO might include a haircut, a Color Ooops Color Remover, and a gift card to go to McDonalds!
Damn, look at that skinny emo dude! Somebody give him some kEMO
by DoctorViolentEvil February 23, 2009
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an emo, who rather than mainly wears black, prefers all the colors of the bright rainbow. Also known as a "colorful emo" but with a K to be cool.
only kemos where yellow skinny jeans.
by Rustyknowstheemos December 21, 2008
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