To be a complete dick to someone right to their face.
Jim: Hey dude I just got a promotion, raise, and some really hot babe was checking me out.

Frank: Dude like I care, the same thing happened to you in high school except she broke up with you cause you had a small dick.

Andy: Wow Frank, way to Kanye it...
by Sypos September 14, 2009
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That A-Rod sure is a Kanye...
by nuthin but da truth September 14, 2009
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next to tupac and the B.I.G. for the best rappers ever, he reveals what life is really about, unlike other rappers just rhyme about sex, drugs, money, he raps about his lifetime expierences and jesus, which is great cuse poser sellouts and wankstas like nelly and G- Unit are just influencing young blacks to drugs acahol violence and sex. Not to mention he makes crazy beats also. Kanye West is true talent. Hes change the rap game forever. He is giving hip hop a up beat artist. Rap would be perfect and not fake if we could get rid of those gangster actors like G-Unit outta of the game, and get more influental and positive artists like kanye
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acting like a complete and total idiot. Not because you are drunk or on drugs, but just because you are a completely self-obsessed, ego-maniacal tool.
Congressman Joe Wilson was such a Kanye for shouting at President Obama.
by Oohgurl September 15, 2009
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Noun 1. To have an asshole on one's face instead of a mouth.

Verb 2. To senselessly hijack a situation by opening up and spewing a great deal of shit from the asshole on the face.
Noun: Please wipe and flush after every time you open your Kanye.

Verb: Tobias felt the need to Kanye my facebook page by leaving a comment that stated that I was a republican.
by Mrs. Penis September 26, 2009
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To be a serious dick; To have no class.
He jumped on stage, stole the microphone from a nineteen year old girl, and made proceeded to kanye. kanyed Kanye West
by lilspoon September 14, 2009
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To Kanye a person is to take away a possession from its owner and then mistreat it only to be returned later in a condition that is much less desired anymore.

The present term for this could be considered Kanye'd.

Named after the infamous incident that taken place in 2009's MTV Video Music Awards where rapper Kanye West snatched the mic away from country singer Taylor Swift when giving an acceptance speech for winning Best Female Video. Kanye then proclaimed that Taylor didn't deserve it, leaving the award she won, much less of an accomplishment and more of a curse.

Note that the end of a Kanye, be prepared for the victim to deliver a beatdown to whoever Kanye'd him.
Guy 1: *steals basketball away from a player and proceeds to embarrass him by passing it off of his head* YOU JUST GOT KANYE'D!

Guy 2: *returns the favor with a fist to Guy 1's face* You got owned, bitch.
by KoriNem September 14, 2009
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