just vibe; ie “just vibe”
twin juh vibe like… ur ahh is not juh vibing, like at all🤨
by BigBerthaWithExtraGirtha December 13, 2022
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Saying "Did you eat?" in a hurry.
by Glemy-sama January 4, 2012
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Ebonics for "are you my"; for people that do not speak proper English
"Ah juh mah daddy?! Mama got knocked up and don't know the daddy. Is it juh?"
by DS's Mama March 10, 2009
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1. yo b, I beez playin b-ball today juh riz um

2. yo dawg dat ho be juh riz um! I da pimp yo!
by Anthony Paravati September 3, 2003
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The German (and other languages) spelling of "yuh" (j is pronounced as y). To express "yuh" (yeah, in Ariana Grande fashion) but in German, and sometimes with a German accent/pronunciation.
Wanna go out? Juh.

Willst du ausgehen? Juh!

Lass uns zusammen ins Restaurant gehen und Pizza bestellen, ja?


*Ariana Grande singing*: juh
by LingDanc803 July 13, 2023
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