jonk complains about things
by BloodyPickleHD February 11, 2021
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jonk-a shorty who is very tight and goodlooking
that jonk keisha is bangin she wright.
by robeasy October 6, 2006
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Tha jonk is tight!
by Ted April 11, 2003
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Its having a wank and a jobbie at the same time. Its very hard to do - I tried once and failed....
Man - he really is teasing out a jonk.
by Anonymous July 22, 2003
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a retard, a cretin, a total fucking imbecile, someone u dont like
OMFG!u complete and total jonk, what the fuck are u doing?

that stupid jonk donkey punched me last night

u fucking retard!u r such a jonk
by rosie/mica July 1, 2006
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hidari te, left handed laotian; one who jonks to survive; a sociopath; believes in mcmahanism;
i got jonked in the face while drinking green tea
by ditry ak November 2, 2006
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