to have a strong need, desire, or craving for something.
see also: jones
Sheeeit beeeitch after smokin' dat weed I'm jonesing for some grub!

Shaniqua is mad jonesing for Rasheed, dat bitch follow him around everywhere.
by Nick D March 19, 2003
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craving; wanting
I'm jonesing for some sushi.
by krystal August 14, 2003
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the act of needing something badly. Usually related to chemical dependency.
I've been jonesing for a joint all day.
by Grant November 8, 2002
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Exhibiting a strong craving or desire for something eaten, imbibed, or taken as a drug. Comes from opiate culture.
Man, I'm *really* jonesing for a cup of coffee right about now.
by Dennis October 10, 2003
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After Jones Alley, NYC 1960's. Craving for addiction.
by SLBear May 11, 2010
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comes from neighborhood crack addict/favorite local "Mr. Jones" of Madison, Wisconsin who would wander State Street looking to score.
You wanna go downtown? You look like you're jonesing real bad.
by ElScorcho July 31, 2007
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jonesing the want of somthing .. comes from 'keeping up with the joneses'. If you are jonsesing for some waffels you want to have waffles badly
Ive been jonesen fo some cake all night.
by tyno June 23, 2005
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