A very hot girl, a beautiful woman, a female with a great body.
Carl: Hey, did you see that girl at the bar?

Jarl: Yeah, she was a smokin' little Jobby!

Karl: Word!
by Karl Azdanzer March 4, 2010
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1. A Scottish word for poop.
2.An Irish word for job.
1. Oy mate am going for a jobby
2.I'll be back soon, I just need to do my jobby
by wetstar89 April 7, 2015
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This is not a post to tell you the definition or jobby, rather quite the opposite.
I have ventured far into the depths of the internet to inform you that if you consume a jobby, it will taste exquisite. I highly recommend that you try digging to a tasty jobby. I also recommend that you always eat expired jobbies, as it adds an extra bit of spice and tang.
Someone: Wow this jobby tastes great! I would like more please!

Me: Yeah I told you
by EggConsumer69 October 26, 2019
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Claraism for feces.
Get the hell in here and make some Jobby!
by Chodeser January 24, 2003
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something that comes out ones anus.may require constipation to be expelled or be rather volatile in nature.
Can occur in the latter section after an extremely spicy curry. this well known syndrome is called "curry bum"
Can also be used as a degrading term.
by Uzzy MacGregor May 13, 2004
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A long hard greasy substance that slops out of your anus after a curry.
It often leaves your anal ring feeling fresh and tangy.
1)I jobbied in a rabbit's mouth.
2)See you ya jobby, you're gettin' yer heed kicked in. Ya fuckin' jobby.
by Jobby October 5, 2003
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