A charicter (villan?) in Teen Titans whos part of H.I.V.E. F.I.V.E.
Jinx gave you some bad luck
by TourqeGlare April 18, 2006
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A trick-sy spell intended to do mischievous harm. Similar to a hex.
by nu May 3, 2004
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You can call something or someone that is considered to be unlucky or to bring bad luck a jinx.
He was beginning to think he was a jinx.
by Ankhbayar August 8, 2005
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1) when sum1 shoots u yell out jinx n it means u want them 2 screw up..
2) u can say the same word as someone at the same time and then say jinx right after... and that person can't talk unless sum1 says their name, for every word they say under jinx u can punch them
by yeLLoJellO May 4, 2004
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when two or more people makes jokes at someones clothes, shoes, appearance, or family members. This often results in fights when someone gets offended then gets serious.
jonsing jokes
man 1: Look at dat nigga's shoes, yo! Dem muhfuckers having conversation with me and shit!

man 2: Yo, yo... Dats why Yo mama's so black if she had a red light she'd be a beeper.
by Rocky Mavia January 12, 2005
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