An exclamation of delight or bliss, when in a particular comfortable or cosy environment.
(Following a rigid and exhausting day. Showered and slipping between freshly laundered and warm bedclothes) "Iss-Iss!"
by chris wheelie April 30, 2005
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In School Suspension, or "Independent Studie s"... which I am in right now for a poorly drawn penis on the chalk board in my Algebra II class.
by LarstaiT May 20, 2004
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in-school suspension AKA the thing I am in right now for throwing a milk carton at a group of kids that are jerks to me and my friends
me: i don't like this school that much.

my friend: why?
me: i got iss for teacher some jerk a lesson by throwing milk at his pants
my friend: o
by kurmit March 31, 2022
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1. A person in a work setting who has not been accepted on the new team right away and orbits the circle.

2. The guy at the gang bang who circles the action masturbating without getting involved.

3. The local heroine addict outside of a busy gas station asking for money at the pumps.
1. Hey, here comes the ISS he will tell his wife about the bonus we are getting, no strip clubs….thanks Glenn.

2. Charlie! Stop ISSing this fuck shop and get a dick in your mouth.

3. Oh shit!! get in the car the ISS is orbiting for dollars again.
by Tag your It July 14, 2022
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Short for the International Secondary School of Eindhoven, the ISSE is a school mostly run by students due to the idiocy, stupidity, and authorative failure of its teachers, and also the lack of respect the students have towards them. Abundant with drug users and dealers the ISSE is a great school to slack off in for most of high-school. With school organized pre-proms in local bars where drink is abundant, and teachers themselves admitting to drug use the school is fucked up to say the least. This school is also the origin of the term edu.
Ex. One
-in the ISSE lunchroom-
Student 1: "Dude what was the homework for today again? I forgot to do it yesterday because i was so high from smoking edu..."
Student 2: "Fuck it man, the teacher wont care anyway because he probably was too! xD"
Student 1: "Too true man, now lets go roll us a joint"

Ex. Two
-typical after lesson talk at the ISSE-
Student 1: "Dude i swear the teacher was high as fuck this lesson, she kept laughing randomly!!"
Student 2: "Yea she's like always like that man, im thinkin its either speed, crack, or ALOT of edu"
by thecrimsonking November 1, 2010
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The ISS is the International Space Station, a collaborative effort among all nations with a space program. Due to this nature, the project is ongoing, and may be expanded at any time, by any national government that can generate the appropriate funding.

The ISS is in some way a follow-up to the USSR's Mir space station, which saw limited collaboration with other nations, but was put out of commission in 2001. It represents a unique environment to run scientific experiments, along with insight into the necessities that would be inherent in long-term space colonization.
"The ISS isn't a big deal. It's just a space station."

"The ISS is no Mir space station!"

"That was corny as hell."
by fishamaphone December 22, 2009
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Ussualy a black man who has lot of e-girls on snapchat. Has too much drip and never dissapoints his friends. He is truly the embodiment of drip and gets girls wet at the very sight at him. His Black Katana is a weapon of justice and has slain many Gods of different universes.
Isse's katana slices through the mountains
by demijurg June 26, 2022
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