To shamelessly copy from someone else and claim you did it first.
I can tell this english paper has been iOS 7'd by several students.

I can't believe that he iOS 7'd my new hair style.

He was caught trying to iOS 7 my test.
by Windows10Hater November 10, 2013
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What happens when an apple attempts to behave like an awesome little green robot.
Person 1: See that hipster green apple over there? It is so iOS 7.
Person 2: Agreed. It's a complete failure at being a robot. It should just try and stay an apple, rather than trying to be something it could never be.
by Not An Apple September 25, 2013
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Just a shitty knock off of iOS 10 with darker theme
hey man did you get ios 11?
yes I have ios 10, thanks.
by thegreatdefinerofwordsxddd November 15, 2017
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how did ios 11 get so slow
by Mattsavage January 12, 2018
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cheerios with beer instead of milk
by jake deering July 11, 2008
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it's the operating system for iphones, ipads, and other apple devices, except the laptops (OS x),

best feature about it:

you can block contacts that you don't want to talk to,
the ability to put newsstand in a folder,

separate search bar in safari,

the seamless Internet Radio and the quick snap Control Panel,

When you lock your phone the lock sound now ECHOES !,
Can't activate stolen devices anymore. But that also means Apple can block arbitrary devices as they like.
airdrop integration,


the clock modifications,

a new cleaner look,

calendar music camera modifications,

time stamps on text messages,

flashlight on home screen,
Being able to change your brightness by just sliding up from the bottom of your screen.
Ringtones and sound alerts

No more camera switch to video and pressing th flash on
If you're on your home screen with iOS7 and you move the angle of your phone all the apps move too
-Have you seem this new system for apple
-Yeah it's ios 7 it's awesome
-You can block who ever you want!
by Cocochannel12 September 19, 2013
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Using a reverse grip to release the interest-only component of your nutsack. The opposite of the Floating IO, which is a flying forward grip.
DB1: Hey RF, I noticed your triceps have developed some nice tone.

DB2: Yeah, it's thanks to all my Inverse IO action.
by The GKYer December 27, 2011
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