The net webbing inside of your bathing suit.
Paul: Have guys check out my internet!

Jon: Your too poor to have internet!

Paul: No, the internet in my swim trunks, asshole.
by Imammyself July 30, 2009
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A wonderfully intended invention which connects people all across the world and reminds us how alike we all are. A sea of applicable and totally non-applicable knowledge, the internet has possibilities sprouting out of its possibilities. It is a revolutionary tool for enhancing the every day lives of the lazy, the stoned, the crackpots, the insonmiacs, the anti-social and the procrastinators.
The internet is a modern day outlet for shopping, knowledge, communication, grass-root movements, information, personal expression, school, media sharing and organizations. The internet has probably had the biggest affect on all people of any technological advance in the past 30 years.
Stoner 1: Have you seen that Dark Side of Oz shit...on the internet?
Stoner 2: Bejebus, yes! Crazy ass shit. Let's google vid it.
by Alyse Toulouse January 5, 2009
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Hmmmm.... the fact is that you cannot be reading this without knowing what the internet is so why the fuck are you looking it up?
Some idiot researched the internet using the internet.
by superninjapenguin February 28, 2007
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A horrible place that destroys the souls of millions of people every day.
Person: Hi

Souless Monster: Ugh, go away I'm on the Internet
by Infinitykitten July 31, 2016
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A Forbidden Place

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Shhhhhhh you shall not no the internets power
by Yeahhhhboiiii69 January 10, 2018
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