A way of writing a word (usually compound)that uses upper-case letters in the middle of the word.
High Tech Red Necks always interCap words inApropriatly.
by daDebil February 29, 2004
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A juvenile form of writing embraced by those less educated or pre-teen. Annoying to say the least. These people typically think gangs are cool and listen to nothing but rap. (One of the lowest forms of human kind, although a step above homeless)
Below is an intercap example.
wuZup evErYOne Heres A lIttLle abOUt Me fiRSt oF All I aM 19 aboUt 5'0 i cAnT sAy ThAT i LoOk gOOd ThAs YOuR pEoPlES OpInIoN BUt i Can SAy I hAvE A Fly PeRsoNaLiTy i Get AloNg WiTh EvEryBodY THat Treat me With ResPect Yall FeeL mE!. I m hISpaNiC w/DArk bRoWN HaIr And dArk brOwn eyEs Im ORiganiAlly FRom ThE EAst Side of SaN jo.
by I hate intercapers October 25, 2005
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A way of writing familar to computer programmers. Some high level computer languages do not understand spaces. Sometimes the underscore is used as a substitution or alternetivly Intercapping is used to join words.
This sometimes filters through to mainstream use in written communication.

Rem Underscoring
var_one random_Number = (1*16);

Rem InterCapping
varOne randomNumber = (1*16);


by Blue Cawdrey November 19, 2004
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