A feeling of being in a dream because you feel that people are bumping into you or getting in your way more often than normal, much like the projections in a dream in the movie Inception.
I am feeling inceptful today; I've ran into three people in the hall in the last minute.
by disturbeddninja March 22, 2011
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When a YouTuber watches Teens React to said YouTuber's videos.
Person 1: I am watching Markiplier reacts to Teens React to Markipkier!
Person 2: YouTube Inception!!!!
by bassgurl September 26, 2015
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An incredibly shit tower that spams repetitive gameplay everywhere, and unmarked traps that don't relate to inception at all, and it is stupidly long which makes it extremely unenjoyable.
by Jtohgivemeligma June 21, 2021
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The equavilent of shit in JToH. The overuse of small studs and gbj's give this tower it's difficulty. fucking trash.
Tower of Inception Sucks.
by realitydefier February 4, 2022
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When a recipe refers to a pre-packaged item or another recipe.
You: Mmmm... let's bake brownies. I've got my flour, eggs, milk, etc...

"Super Awesome Brownie" Recipe: Ingredients - 1 x Pillsbury Frosting, 1 x Ms Higgins Brownie Mix

You: Fuck you, Recipe Inception...
by JamJamJam September 24, 2012
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When a man named Daniel outwits and outsmarts a lesser being such as a cousin on such a level that the cousin believes it was his own idea to begin with.
Wow jabali that was a really smart idea. I bet Daniel incepted you to believe that. Inception- the act of outwitting a lesser being to the point that they believe that was their own original ide.
by 193322vikes October 30, 2022
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