An abbreviation for "I got it." Usually meaning that someone understands a joke. Mainly used in internet chats.
Bob: for some reason i can "knot" tie this knot! :)
Bob: get it?? :)

You: yeah, igi
by Igi999 March 4, 2010
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Subject A: “Aye bro get a stick otw here”
Subject B: “Igy” “(I got you)”
by D.I.T.R.98 December 22, 2017
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I'm going out with her again tonight, ygm?

Yeah, igy.
by mynameisnotbeingusedbysomeone September 1, 2008
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Igy (pronounciation iggy)

I- I
G- Get
Y- You

reply to ygm or when agreeing with someone.

Man 1: I swear down that girls a proper slag yhu knoe, she's always beggin' for some. Absolute Jezzy you get me (ygm).

Man 2: igy (iggy) fam proper jez.


Man 1: We're fuckin roadmen

Man 2: iggy man.
by S.N.M August 19, 2011
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Sexy beast that has no limits; goes to malls, parks, etc.; skinny but strong..
by Jipizzzle July 3, 2009
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Brenda: Thanks for the tampon
Stacy:IGY fam
by Poopppoooo November 21, 2018
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