Hu is an insertion used in the following situations:
- To express a negative emotion
- When there's an awkward/long silence
- As a response to an insult
Jim: "Milco you're a faggot"
Milco: "Hu"

The whole squad after non-stop talking: "..."
Me: "Hu"
by Danny Wite February 26, 2017
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Gender-free pronoun, which performs flexibly as a subject, an object, and a possessive epicene. Pronounced with a shortened vowel sound (like huh), it can be used to replace her, him, she, he, etc. when the gender of the person in question is not known. First gender-free pronoun to receive official backing, as it was promoted and popularised by the British Library and in the London Review of Books' "LRB Blog".
To each hu own.

That fine detective novel draws the reader in, teasing hu to puzzle out for huself the solution to the mystery.

Let each user of our EZ cell-phones pay as hu goes.
by Cal Alaera January 7, 2012
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hook up (make out); also h/u; usually used online not in person
by m4e December 6, 2003
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The sound one makes when squeezing out a really fat shit, a sound made when laboring over a task, a grunt.
A passer by a bathroom would hear huuuuuuuuuu coming from the stall.
by huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu August 15, 2008
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