Pronounced 'House-er', not 'howser'. A subculture in the late 80's into the 90's, where they became 'ravers'. A houser listened to electronic music, wore baggy pants, pioneers of rave culture, house music festivals, wallet chains, drugs and glowsticks were big.
I am gonna DJ an electronic music party for a bunch of housers and their friends.
by shawnovin June 15, 2008
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being incredibly blacked out drunk until you stumble around until you pass out, in the mean time of consciousness completely embarrassing yourself
did you see that chick at jake's last night? she was totally housered!
by mossman26 April 24, 2011
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A popular term in Sydney, Australia. Basically the same as bourke, a loser. It is often used as an insult between friends when someone does something outright stupid.
Dude. You're such a houser.

Don't be a houser you retard.
by James Malkovich October 10, 2006
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I fit my whole fist into that houser
by jwelk89 September 17, 2010
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n. Stay-at-home partner in a relationship. Often used with pity or irony.

Steve! Long time no see. How's work? No, wait a sec. You're a houser right? Well no shame there. Those clothes aren't going to clean themselves. What do you use for the really stubborn stains? Steve? Why are you crying?
by Lobsterbeybuoy September 14, 2013
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When the head of an uncircumcised penis begins to peek out from behind its veil of foreskin.
Paul: It is my half houser, throbbing halfway beneath its mighty shield of foreskin and the penetrable area of thou vagin.
by Clitty Clout June 14, 2013
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the coolest pot smoking dr ever

the name given to a doctor that smokes pot

a doctor that gives you a medicinal medical marijuana card
i went to the hospital to see a doobie houser he gave me my mary jane medicaal card
by donky turdz December 6, 2009
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