Hot Topic is a store commonly found in many American malls, that sells kids alternative identities in the form of goth, emo, punk, and more recently of the hipster persuasion. Hot Topic at no point was "real", but I wouldn't call all who shop from there posers. Recently it has become worse than fake goth/hollywood satanist and has moved into the place where hype beast come to buy shirts to match their expensive limited edition tacky shoes. They sell pretty cool knick knacks, but not instead of being the store that sells to goth kids, emo's, or scene kids, they have moved into selling Justin Bieber, and other contemporary pop inspired crap.

Eventhough they still sell clothes for Manson or Linkin Park faux goth's, they have moved into more brighter and neutral shit, some of the stuff even looks like a goth's worse enemy, the American Eagle and Abercrombie.
A lot of poser's now days who want to look an outsider but still be popular, dress at the Hot Topic.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI August 16, 2010
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A place that I don't go to because I shop for REAL clothing.
Hot Topic sucks, even though they have that 1-Up Mushroom T-shirt. Let's go to Anchor Blue.
by dj gs68 October 22, 2003
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Hey look at all those retards shopping at hot topic! Lets shoot 'em!!!
by wow November 23, 2003
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a place for all your poser needs. whether your shopping for the 45 dollar spiked belt. or the ridiculous black rimmed glasses with no corrective lenses, to make you seem psuedo scene. or whether you need to find the latest guns and roses rip off shirt. or maybe you need to find the perfect hippie surfer gone metal. thats where we found our sconsin!!
Brooks - hey whose lame ass thick black glasses are those?
Ryan - sconsins. he got them at hot topic.
Brooks - didnt you get sconsin at hot topic?
Ryan - we tried to return him, they dont take damaged goods.
rest of party - LAUGHTER!

ryan and bergman
by RyRyxdeath February 15, 2005
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A clothing store. A place to buy clothed goods.
Hey! I bought clothes at Hot Topic! Yay clothes!
by Meloria October 26, 2006
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A store in which some wannabe goths/ punks, and real goths/punks shop. They also go to other stores, you know like normal people.
SOME of them, not all are wannabes.
by Jay July 2, 2004
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The Anti-Abercrombie, one of the best places to shop, a great place to learn new things, and the best fucking place in the world.
"Most of what I have learned, has come from Hot Topic,"
"Man, get a life,"
"Why don't you, asshole?"
by Skwearl November 17, 2005
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