hey can you help me with my homework
you used to let me cry on your shoulder
no bitch I don’t mean the song, I JUST WANT HELP WITH THE HOMEWORK!!! :(
by KDC0723 September 14, 2023
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The worst idea in history ever. You go to school wasting half of your day learning nothing and when you can finally go home you're fucking tired and have to do lots of homework leaving you no time to do anything you actually learn something from, often making you go to sleep too late getting even more complaints. Homework makes you suicidal.
So I wanted to watch a movie yesterday, but I had to spend 3 hours doing fucking maths homework.
by QwertyYuk September 12, 2010
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Stupid shit that these dumb ass cunts (known as teachers) give to poor students because they want to catch up with there life because they know kids will have a better life than them if they get free time. And homework is used for the teachers to punish and distract kids so they could get better at their love life
Kids:yay! We’re finished our 10 page essay!
Teachers: now for the homework, 20 page essay and due tomorrow

Kids: wtf?!?!?!
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N: a tourture devise created by teachers in order to make stdents lifes misrable, also so that they can't figuare out their plan for world domination
by shobop November 20, 2003
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Easily the worst thing ever created. Designed by the school system to make sure kids have school on their minds 24/7. It's end results are depression, people kicking?punching things, crying, and lack of sleep.
Homework is good for 1 thing. An excuse to go to your friends house. School wouldn't be so terrible if we didn't have homewrk.
by kid1768 May 16, 2010
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The satanic torture device originally designed during the 1200's as a method of breaking down a person's mind and removing all sleep from their life to induce stress and insanity, now a perfectly acceptable tool to help 'enforce' material that students have already learned 15 times over again or to do the job of a teacher that was too lazy to do during the 7 hours given, or given over breaks because 180 days isn't enough to teach material. It is what you should be doing right now, only you were to pissed by your overload of zombifying material so you came to read definitions on Urban Dictionary that potentially share your pain. Homework also has the accolade of being ranked #2 in the worldwide list of ridiculously inhumane punishments seemingly accepted by modern society right after impalement by electrified molten spiders.
I forgot to teach my students thermonuclear astrophysics during class, let's make them learn it tonight for homework and have a quiz tomorrow.
by Blocksystem November 30, 2013
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(ᴬ ᴺᴼᵁᴺ ᶠᴿᴼᴹ ᴴᴱᴸᴸ) Homework spelt backwards is the latin word for ‘child abuse’ and is used to torture children and encourage depression. There are different stages of doing homework:

Nerd Homeworker
a person who does their homework as soon as it has been handed to them

Bully homeworker
gets the nerd homeworkers to do their homework

Latenight homeworker
does the homework the night before it’s due

Lazy homeworker
doesn’t do the work

Sweat homeworker
sweats their work so hard and gets everything wrong

Dumb homeworker

simply forgets

Smart homeworker
searches the answers in google

Dumber homeworker
searches the answers on bing 👀

Drop-out homeworker

drops out of school before the work is due and comes back the next week/month

The risky homeworker

does the work just before the lesson

Riskier homeworker

does the homework in the lesson

Wasteman homeworker

does the homework in detention

Shit motivated homeworker

does the homework while shitting and saying it gives them ‘motivation’

Most ppl in my classes homeworker
puts minimal effort into their work and somehow still gets everything right

Depressed homeworker

gets piled with homework to the point where they are in the state of depression

Distracted homeworker

gets distracted by social media and doesn’t finish the homework

Normal human being homeworker
doesn’t exist

Forced homeworker

forced to do homework by their mums or else she’ll take away the life she gave you
John: oh shit i haven’t done my homework
Tim: fuck the homework do it in the lesson
by Late night homeworker January 9, 2022
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