A large, subhuman person who tag teams with their brother in an ultra tag team combo.
Damn, the Hegge's really looked good in that fight yesterday.
by Hegge Worshipper March 27, 2008
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Combination of "head" and "egg" used to describe the egg-like shape of a person's head, most often applied to males.
John: "Wow, Dave really has an odd shaped head doesn't he?"
Ken: "I know man, that is one absolute hegg!"
by Liz G-Foy January 24, 2008
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1. (n) a hungover, mean bastard of a poster on a board or in a chatroom, who hates anyone and anything conceived more than 20 miles from where he resides. Not dangerous/malicious unless out of ciggies or cider, and invariably loyal almost to the point of pychosis

2. (n) a post by that is blunt to the point of making your eyes water, but also accurate as far as content is concerned
Innocent Poster: "Should I have red or white wine with chicken?"
heggs:"I like beer, me."
IP: "But that isn't helpful to me."
heggs: "Take yer whiney tard shite and fuck off then."
IP: "Thanks, heggs"

2. Innocent poster: "Good morning."
heggs: "Morning fucker? It ain't morning here, ya daft bastard."
Rest of community: "Morning heggs."
by ewe-no-who February 24, 2004
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Exceedingly cruel, vulgar, and racist slur with which to offend white men. Borrowing from the tendency of 21st century millennial white men to look like hairy eggs, as well as their privilege as hetero freeloaders, this word has entered popularity as a weapon of linguistic war, striving to repay years of strife that countless victims of whites have been subjugated to.
This group of heggs walked into my Starbucks acting like they owned the place, then spilled their coffee, told me to clean it up and insisted on a free replacement.
by Fostre April 4, 2021
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The act of stealing ones property and then hiding once you're figure out
Tristen: "Yo jroc where's your vape?"
Jroc:"shit dude, I don't know,"
Tristen: "shit Icant fond mine"
Jroc: " shit dude I think we got hegged"
by Tdog6999 August 29, 2018
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When a girl gets really drunk at a party and lets her boobs hang out and screams a lot.
by IngridHegg September 10, 2011
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