1. when someone owns something but is still seeking more of it to benefit from it, especially from another party

2. when someone such as a corporation wants to take more than it's fair share.
First the record labels shut down Napster aned Grokster. Now t hey want to have their cake and eat it to by proposing a tax to destroy internet radio.
by grizmeister May 17, 2010
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Once eaten, you no longer have it. Like having money and spending it all. Also, in marriage, security vs. freedom - if one cheats, they lose their security of keeping their mate.
She's married to Bob but seeing Bill. She can't have her cake and eat it too.
by Viola F. Blanton May 25, 2006
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When someone wants all of the benefits of a relationship without the commitment. Typically used when seeking sexual favors
Billy has been trying to get with Sally for the past few months, but she won’t sleep with him unless they’re in a relationship. She told him, “ you can’t have your cake and eat it too
by Brownedbanana May 7, 2020
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Valentines Day is for the lovers, this day is for the fuckers. A day for cake and eating out- show your women some love on this auspicious day in return for the careful cooking and blowing that was bestowed upon you during steak and blowjob day. Eat your cake boys.

Also, take note- cake is a metaphor, if your lady wants steak, get her a damn steak.
whatever the opposite of steak and blowjob day is, do that.

ie: have your cake and eat it too.
by BJays March 15, 2012
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This phrase is easier to understand if it is read as "You can't eat your cake, and have it too". Obviously once you've eaten your cake, you won't have it any more. Used for expressing the impossibility of having something both ways, if those two ways conflict.
He works so hard to pay for that fancy house of his that he never has any time to stay home and enjoy it.

Yeah, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
by bmiles October 1, 2006
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You can't keep your old love while trying out a new one.
"you can't have your cake and eat it too" trying to hold onto something - an uncut cake - while enjoying eating it.
by labkat January 12, 2009
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When you have exactly what you want in terms of a relationship with one person. Yet you find yourself wanting that little extra something from another.

Just like wanting to be with two people.
Tiger Woods response to the media after they found out about all of his affairs, "To the public I'm sorry, but you know I, just like most men, I want to have my cake and eat it too."
by The Cake. July 20, 2011
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