When you grab a girls snatch, press the folds together tightly & blow through them. If a shrill sound is produced, you pretend you are Van Morrison playing her Hairy Harmonica.

The girl can also play this instrument herself by puckering her flaps & queefing.
Bill Clinton got caught with Monica....playing her hairy harmonica.
by Ash-the-great-1 September 23, 2008
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To entertain by blowing the incredibly popular folk instrument that, characteristically, has two lip plates enclosing a long fipple, two holes - but only one ever fingered - and a wail switch. Skilled players use lip, tongue and mouth movements to create ecstatic music out of some lucky woman. (NB - in most countries you must be a least 16 years of age to play.)
"I have a young music student that has requested I show her how I go about 'playing the hairy harmonica'. Although I am a Professor of Music and expert flautist I am unfamiliar with this exact instrument. Can someone offer advice?"
"Yeah, bud - hold your breath in the wind section."
by Gabbro June 23, 2018
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