To say something in an agitated fashion, Gruffed is the combination of 'Grumble' and 'Huffed', gruffing is similar to 'scoffing' only it is a response where the individual is being much more direct and snide about their frustrations and feelings towards the issue and often tries harder to solicit a response even if unintentionally and the execution tends to be more crude in nature.
"I need you to go pick up mom from the airport tomorrow." Jenny told her sister, Sally giving her a sideways glance as she stood up.
"And why the hell should I do that?" Sally Gruffed, "you never do anything for me when I need help!"
Jenny simple sighed aloud in turn, "God damn, you're such a child..."
by Muttemor May 12, 2021
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Gruffing is the act of wanking off a homeless man under a bridge. Its a reference to the popular childrens fairy tale the Billy Goats Gruff. Don't think there was any wanking in that though.
"Jimmy's been wearing a sling all week after a particularly vigorous Gruffing session."
by Paddyhahahaha May 11, 2010
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Hating. Unnecessarily rude, belittling, and/or grumpy about a particular person/place/thing.
She's been gruffing on him all week. /or/ I'm gruffing these shoes; so uncomfortable. /or/ Don't be gruffin'
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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To use lollypop sticks to pleasure your partners rectum area.
I was gruffing my mums son last night, it was awesome!
by loraa July 8, 2015
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