The difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you're shit.
Daquan: yo, r u goin to skool tom?
Chris: Do you even grammar bro?
by Suag26 August 1, 2014
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Something that people on the internet are incapable of learning.
'omg liek you suk you n00b'
'Ever heard of spelling?'
by whitetiger16 April 10, 2004
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1. a universally accepted form of writing or speaking that appropriately conveys a person's thoughts so that others may understand it.

2. a dying art.

3. not something that is readily experienced while surfing the Internet.

4. something that 99% of people in the world have no concept of.

5. a form of writing or speaking which is hard to learn and hence is ignored by the general populous.

6. a knowledge which is deeply rewarding, although not deemed important or crucial by small people.
'They're dog ways alot.' - bad grammar
by Severian_ November 23, 2006
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What gingers say instead of "proof reading"
Steve (the ginger): Hey lora, are you good at grammaring? Im not sure if this sounds right

Lora: ...

Chances are its not....
by ngroat7007 October 7, 2009
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Something that has not been adequately defined by some other definitions; refers to the rules used to combine words together in order to form meaning within a given language.

"i don liek u becoz u suck"==grammatically correct, despite spelling shortcuts and the lack of capitalization/punctuation. These are mechanical/technical errors.

"She go to house red last Saturday."==despite perfect mechanics, this is not grammatically correct, due to a tense mismatch (needs to be past tense, verb misinflection (should be "she goes"), missing article ("the" or "a"), and adjective-noun word order reversal.
Bad grammare n spelung aint not impotrent in a essay.
by Zalis August 18, 2004
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One of the most important language tools available. It is largely ignored by those too moronic to use it properly.

Wrong: There not feeling good cause Stacy and me didnt come.

Right: They're not feeling good because Stacy and I didn't come.
by Elizabeth Grey July 11, 2016
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Something people should be forced to learn, even if they are stupid. It is also something that makes people on-line think you are a stuck up bastard.
Me: Please, stop embarassing yourself.
Random Person On-line: u stukc uop basterd
by Mr.Grammar October 12, 2003
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