The best people to be around... They are so intelligent and they are the best looking people in the world
They Govender's are so amazing
by Intalect 1000 September 18, 2018
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A slay queen,absolute girl boss that has travelled the world,the phrase “Ashley govender” normally refers to those of the lgbtq+ community who partake in the enojoyment of the natural earth and google maps, they love to make dad jokes and host bible meetings! with snacks but ashy washy lies 🥺🥺🥺🥺they say they have a wife to hide their true identity not only are they gay with a piss kink they are also Batman💕🤞🏻
“Omg look he’s such an Ashley govender

Take me to church I worship like a dog in the shrine of Ashley govender”

1 June is Ashley govender month”
by Daddymilflover May 30, 2023
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Ronan Alonzo Govender aka (RAGS) has a small penis
RAGS Gets no women at all
He is also Gay
My name is (RAGS) Ronan Alonzo Govender and I am gay and I identify as a pigeon
by Bababumbe June 3, 2022
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