the one person you would never expect to date because usually tall people have short dicks but i guess the fuck not because i can assure you i was fucking choking.
wow im dateing the kallan gordy
by nyxie.g June 8, 2022
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When a group of chefs wank into a tub and last to finish has to drink it
After a quiet night at work the chefs all wanked into a tub, the head chef finished last and had to drink a dirty gordie
by Idontdrinkdirtygordies March 29, 2020
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exceptionally large sperm
Oh shit last night I gave her the little gordy's so hard it killed the bitch
by dady's cumi October 4, 2017
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I just saw that gordis on snapchat she said shes down to give me spits...dub
by Nickfromdasack November 24, 2018
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Another phrase for creepy. The creepiest type of people you'll meet.
Don't be such a Morty Gordy OR Look at that its Morty Gordy.
by 420today April 20, 2011
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A term refering to those "athletes" that give it 120% no matter what the situation. Often found in gym classes, and scrimage games of hockey, football, etc. Often the kids have no athletic ability, but dress in all the latest sports wear (under armour) to give the appearence of being a superstar. Often leads the class in gym warm up, lapping them in a warm up jog, cranking their music and stretching for many mintues before a game of shinny.
Johnny says: "Hey boys wanna play a game of shinny?" Jim says: "Ya sure, I just gotta stretch and warm up" Sets off for a 6 mile jog, with the ipod in the ears. Johnny says "Jim, were having a scrimmage, stop being such a Gordy go-hard
by bj#1/#472 February 9, 2010
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two cool kids in my english class who made up a band and everyone thinks it is funny. rock on guys
by j-rob mad fresh June 16, 2010
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