Talented 17 year old dancer born in Houston Texas. Chachi born as Olivia Irene Gonzales was born on Januray 23, 1996 in Houston Texas. She's the yougest of five siblings. She was givin the nickname Chachi which is short for muchachita meaning little girl in spanish, by her family. At the age of 5 she started dancing Ballet and trained for three years. But when watching a hip hop dancing group " Marvelous Moom" perform she became hooked onto hip hop dancing and immedately asked her mom to switch her to Hip Hop. She started dancing for 8 and luckily the school Chachi went to also had a Hip Hop class. At first Chachi was shy but after picking up, she became better and eventually the teacher asked her to lead the class. When Chachi was 15 she auditioned for thecrew I. aM. Me and the crew memeber jaja, Emilio, Brendan, Phillip and moon audtioned and were on ABDC. THey won the shows. Season 6 champions. Chachi does workshops all over the world and teacher classes in Houston as well. Amazing Beautiful Soul!
MOM: WOW amazing dancer who is she?
Me: MOMM! THATS CHACHI GONZALES! how do you not know her? you needa get out more often!?
by KDBFANGIRLy November 7, 2013
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He has a amazing YouTube channel (mr.Anthonygonzales)and has a big booty. #booty
by Mr.sexgod October 6, 2019
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Originates from the term we all know "Speedy Gonzales" - but is tweaked to the term "Needy Gonzales" and meant to describe those people we work with, are friends with or related to that seem to need more validation than they can ever get. They either over post on facebook, twitter, etc, the stupid boring things they are doing at all times, or, make you feel uncomfortable by how sensitive they are in meaningless everyday conversations. They are a step beyond being just douchey. They are uber needy. Therefore they can be described as "Needy Gonzales". Can be abbreviated to "Needy G".
"Well I try not to post all my vacation photos on facebook, cuz it makes you look like a Needy Gonzales", aka Needy G.

"He would be cool if he wasn't such a Needy Gonzales."
by Steflepp March 6, 2010
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"He is my cousin; and, he is only the fastest mouse in all
of Mexico. No! In all of the world."--Slowpoke Rodriquez
SPEEDY GONZALES: "Arriba! Arriba! Andale! Andale! Vamos ahora, muchachos y gauchos."

"...The League of United Latin American Citizens argued that SPEEDY's cleverness and personality was a positive depiction of Mexicans.
-- Wikipedia
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Only like the fastest mouse in all "El Mundo" ARRIBA!!!
Man I wish I was as fast as Speedy G.
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I'll bet a hundred bucks that Speedy Gonzales will run circles around that gayass hedgehog simply by eating one habanero pepper. And besides, anyone who eats that shit will definitely run faster than sonic.
By the time Sonic the Hedgehog was halfway through the race, he saw Speedy Gonzales already sipping beer with the hot chicks at the finish line.
by Sega sucks my ass August 3, 2003
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Olivia is in love with a toad. Her peen is bigger than toads. PERIODT.
toad: i love Olivia Gonzales
toads friend: you cant cause her peen is (no cap) bigger than yours.
by taltaltal October 24, 2019
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