A man that has a thing for Asian women... thus he is a "Godzilla" otherwise known as an Asian chaser.
He has so many asian girls on his facebook friends list. He must be a Godzilla.
by pillowcasepapercuts October 12, 2011
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1. A Japanese monster created in an explosion from a hydrogen bomb test, ranges from 50 meters- 100 meters in height throughout the two series that feature him as a machine of destruction in Tokyo, Osaka, many other large Japanese cities, has attacks including blue radioactive fire breath, a radioactive energy pulse, claw swipe, tail swipe, and bite.
2. A legendary Japanese sea monster that torments the inhabitants of the home islands by sinking fishing ships and other small boats, given sacrifices of young girls sent out to sea in rafts.
3. A legendary kaiju monster created by the TOHO(c) movie corporation
Godzilla is known by many people as the greatest movie monster ever.
by Robert J. Conner December 11, 2004
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Physically speaking faster than Rap God
For Example:


by Eminem Fan2169 February 25, 2020
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1. A famous movie monster from Japan that stars in a series of cult movies that were started in the 1950s. Godzilla rests in the Pacific Ocean and is aroused by a nuclear bomb test held underwater. He has a distinct yell as he wades to the Japanese shore and trashes Tokyo. He also breathes radioactive "fire". In an authentic Godzilla flick you can see the actors speak Japanese but the English dubbing makes it so that what you hear is not what they say. In 1998 an "American" version came out with a computer generated monster (as opposed to the classic man in a costume) that didn't resemble the original beast at all. This bastardized movie had Godzilla tearing up New York City (how the hell did he get over THERE?) and the story is absolutely horrible. Avoid this movie like the plague. Stay FAR away.

2. a hit for the American heavy metal band Blue Oyster Cult.

3. an adjective that describes anything domineering and that takes up space, leaving little room for anything else.
1. to corremorate the new millenium, Japanese film producers released "Godzilla 2000".

2. ... oh no! They say he's got to go, go go Godzilla! Woo hoo hooo...
... History shows again and again how nature wakes up the folly of man. GODZILLA!

3. Jim's Godzilla machine of a pickup truck took up so much space I had to park my Ford right next to the hedges.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 18, 2007
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1. Large lizard which attacks stuff
2. Popular song about by Blue Oyster Cult from the 1977 album Spectres
1. Aaarrghh! said Godzilla as he destroyed a car
2. Godzilla is my second favorite Blue Oyster Cult song
by dog500 June 27, 2005
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"Gojira" was a Japanese horror film (it would not be considered a "monster movie" until it reached American shores) that depicted a large radioactive animal (believed by scientist characters to have lived sometime in the intermediate stage between the prehistoric era and current times) that attacks and sinks several fishing vessels and finally ends with his raiding Tokyo twice over the course of a few days, resulting in the city's destruction and wide-scal deaths. His rampage is clearly meant to reflect the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (though no dirrect political connection is ever made), though most people do not know how the concept for the movie was originally created.
"Gojira" was inspired by America's "King Kong," which lead "Gojira" creator Tomoyuki Tanaka to want to create a horrow film using a monster.

But the reason a radioactive beast that lays siege to Tokyo was used was becuase of an American hydrogen bomb test designated "Castle-Bravo" whose fallout contaminated a Japanese fishing trawler, resulting in some of the crew's deaths and a national recall of fish products because of radiated tuna aboard the vessel that was served into the market unknowingly. An H-Bomb setup is also used to explain Godzilla's strange powers and hideously deformed physik.

"Castle-Bravo" has become the calling card of anti-nuclear activists ever since the incident involving the trawler, and Godzilla has seen more films than any other character.
by Go to G-Fest! April 6, 2006
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Big green funky lazer breathing lizard-like dinosaur...in JAPAN. If you see one, RUN. If he gets you, PLAY DEAD.
If he's one of those smart Godzillas, you're dead.
Godzilla: ROOAAAAAR!!!!
Innocent Female Person: EEEEEEEE!!!
by k4nd0r November 30, 2006
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