The supreme being whom in the beginning, created everything, including man kind. Religions, such as Atheism do not believe that God exists among us, but it is said those who do not believe in him will go to a place known as Limbo in the afterlife, where it is a state of Oblivion. God, to Christians and Catholics like most of us, is the one we look up to for guidance and help if in life there are troubles, and God is constantly helping those who need it the most. God loves all of his creations, even those who do not believe he is real, but he grants those who do not believe but have lived their lives happily and without many sins another chance to believe he is real when they are sent to the afterlife to live eternally in a place known as Heaven.
"The Lord, God is good!"
"Oh my God!"
"God is the father of Christ"
by Dudeguy June 13, 2013
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If he is so good and powerful, why is the world so fucked up?
"I refused to pray to a god who would allow rainforests to be destroyed in order to make grazing room for cows who would later become Quarter Pounders for the ignorant masses who worship that symbol of all that is evil, Ronald McDonald." - Mia Thermompolis, Princess Diaries.
by alldirtyhoessuckdick April 24, 2010
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A fictioanl character who starred in the hit book 'The Bible', which certain morons consider to be truth. He enjoys smiting and raping countries with low self-esteem.
by mrpittsdemeister July 13, 2009
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If used with a capital 'G', usually this is referring to the creator and sustainer of all things both living, material in nature, and spiritual.
When spelled with a lowercase 'g', the word is usually referring to a power or spirit that is less powerful than the previous mentioned "God".
Capital 'G': All glory and praise be to God most high.
Lowercase 'g': Our god Buddha will never be enough for eternal life.
by JNR83 April 22, 2005
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I read God's The Bible and couldn't sleep for days.
by MusicalHysteria January 12, 2015
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Not an escape from my everyday problems, but the strength to face them. Not something to scare me into submission, but a friend I can count on.
God pwnz
by Paleolithic1000 March 29, 2004
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Someone whom athletes always thank when they win, but never mention when they lose. (George Carlin)
"God made me trip behind the line of srrimmage."
by Anonymous March 2, 2003
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