Seasonal sandwich from Wawa (South New Jersey store equivalent to a 7-11) offered from about early November to Thanksgiving. It has turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce on a roll. It is like a whole Thanksgiving dinner you can eat on a roll.
Oh Snap! Wawa has their delicious Gobbler sandwich back!
by ohsnapitsjess November 2, 2009
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Step 1: Find your unsuspecting victim in a distracted state.
Step 2: Pull your dick and balls back between your legs.
Step 3: Clinch your legs together to secure your junk.
Step 4: Lean over at the waist.
Step 5: Call your victim.
Step 6: Jump up and down with your arms flapping yelling "GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!"
I was doing the dishes and the next thing I know I'm staring at this floppy cock bouncing in front of my face, HOLY GOSH I JUST WANTED TO LICK IT!

The Gobbler
by mrvao March 10, 2008
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There are many definitions of gobbler, but the best one is:

The act of sneaking up on a guy and tickling the bottom of his scrotum(nut-sack) from behind. If done right, the guy getting the gobbler should giggle because it tickles really bad.
Hey Shawn, can distract Ben so i can give him a really bad gobbler?
by Tyler-GREENMAN September 30, 2010
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(Gobbla') when your balls hang out of the hole in your boxers.
this is extremely rare and should be celebrated with song and dance. do not fix. let it attend to its natural course. diction by powers. refer to melvin.
damnit i got a gobbler. i need to fix that shit.
by behrend October 8, 2007
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Someone who sucks more than most other people. A person that does in fact suck the cock or acts like one who sucks the cock.
Look at that gobbler in the pink polo with the popped collar.
by ogie_ogelthorp August 30, 2005
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While having sex with a girl doggie style, upon insertion of penis into the vaginal canal insert thumb into anus with fingers pointed up, thus resembling a turkey for thanksgiving.
Jane seemed pleasantly surprised when I gave her a gobbler last night.
by Mustang Mike November 23, 2009
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A term used in the logistics/brokering field referring to people over the phone who are unclear in their speech. Typically leaning more towards people of Indian Asian descent due to their accents but a gobbler can be anyone from any descent.

Is also not a trustworthy person. Most gobblers are trying to scam or screw you over in some capacity.
*on the phone* "Hey, how are you today sir?"

"uhhhhh, you have road for today?! *car window open* *baby screaming* *loud unidentified sound*

"Yea, sorry man. I can't work with gobblers" *Hangs up the phone*
by Slayer of Gobs September 20, 2023
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