An insult commonly found in the Harry Potter series. Probably British. Means, someone with no manners and who is constantly annoying people.
*someone has their elbows on the table during a fancy dinner*

Random person: "Git"

*Throws gravy on them*

Several more people: "GIT!"

*random person chattering on with bad jokes and annoying everyone*

Other person: "Stop being such a git!!!!"
by Vanessa Clyde July 27, 2011
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"Shut Up Git"
"You Ain't Going To Do Shit Git"
by DMoney December 5, 2003
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A female anus.
Hence has become a broad definition for a mean or nasty person (arsehole).
'Eughh you dirty bastard, your fingers smell of git!'

'Did you take her up the git?'

'She had a lovely tight little git'

'He's a nasty bastard, a right git'
by tOmmy April 26, 2004
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A girl that likes to hit guys to a point where it is no longer deemed "cute". (pronounced Jit)
Max: Shit that git doesn't know when to stop.
JA: Seriously, what a turn off.
by JA.MC September 7, 2009
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Something that wiggers use to describe a small anoying person.
(Wigger): Git get me my 40 git
(Wigger): Git im so hard.
(Wigger): Git
by -p3n1s!! March 7, 2010
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It's another name for Jeppo.
Jeppo you GIT!
by Dave November 4, 2003
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