vrb. To switch your phone from Silent to General profile after a cinema/funeral/business meeting etc.
Fuck, dude; That lecture was shite. Now, allow me to Generalise...
by Dreadnought44 April 9, 2009
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The ability to generalise; generalisation.
Me: I was doing my psychology revision-
Teacher: Congratulations! You're the only one in the class!
Me: Well, you used the word 'generalisability' in the guide you gave us. Didn't you used to teach high school English and should know that that isn't a word?
Teacher: ...it is a word.
Me: No. It's not.
by GingerGenower May 17, 2012
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A terrible condition that plagues the affected mind with depression, fear, terrifying thoughts and overall anxiety. The affected person usually suffers from panic attacks and suffers from depression.
"The doctor says I have Generalised anxiety disorder, which explains the panic attacks lately."
by MedicOfNormandy1883 November 1, 2013
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A recently discovered condition that affects people from any age, but is most prominent in the ages 7-18.

The Condition outlined is when a person has occasional or frequent among us encounters. These can include: Seeing a trash can as an among us crewmate, Having the urge to say "sus" or "impostor" during a conversation, Seeing crewmates talk to you or hear an impostor talking with you.

It seems closely related to Schizophrenia and can be caused by having said conditon. But GAS (Generalised Amonguli Syndrome) Seems to mainly effect the memory and senses. The GAS effects everything you can see, hear, smell, hear and feel.
This is why often these patients have extreme episodes when they have a full experience of being murdered by a crewmate and actually feeling the pain and agony.
Often these episodes can be calmed by experimental ways such as Drugs such as xanax and Marijuana.

Some patients have been reported to be driven insane from being "stalked" not episodes that have them up close and personal. but instead far away, in the corner of the eyes. Staring.

There is no cure for the conditions as of yet, but many doctors are trying to Help the nearly 1 million people affected by GAS today.
Man 1: "Did you hear that Frank was diagnosed with Generalised Amonguli Syndrome?"
Woman 1: "No, that's terrible!" (Cry)
by BunPickleCheese1 April 19, 2023
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